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Mar 16

A Farewell To Battlefield 4: All Hail Battlefield Hardline


Hardline is here for some of us, and very soon for the rest of us on March 17, 2015.  The forums are filled with posts crying that Battlefield 4 is coming to an end, now that the new Battlefield game is here.  But is this a case of a sequel replacing its predecessor, or a standalone variant or expansion game being added to a franchise?

Many players will rush to play Hardline and enjoy it.  There will remain some who refuse to play it, and stick with Battlefield 4.  And many will play both.  For that matter, people still play BF3 and BF:BC2.  But for certain, there will be far fewer BF4 players for some time as huge numbers migrate to the newest Battlefield game on the block.

Hardline offers a fresh new style for Battlefield players.  Battlefield 4 is a game with a huge range of game styles and environments, and as a result some players gravitate to certain types of maps and combat situations.  Sure, there are perhaps more who play all aspects of the game, but we all know that certain maps and map/game mode combinations cater strongly to close infantry actions or massive vehicular battles.

Hardline does still have variety, but the lack of heavy military vehicles makes the infantry aspect much stronger.  It also has game modes which cater well to the pure infantry player, and even some which offers stealthy tactical play. For all those players who are looking for a strong foot soldier action, Hardline delivers.

It also has game modes which seem designed purely for fun action, like Hotwire and Blood Money.  In some ways, it has elements of the appeal of Bad Company in its play style.

The unlock system is also designed to give players choices, rather than force them to wait and work to get the items they most want.  Battlefield 3 and 4’s system isn’t bad — there is a certain satisfaction in reaching a new unlock or achievement — but Hardline offers a more flexible style which many players will strongly appreciate.

Battlefield 4 is still a work in progress, with issues affecting many who play it.  And while I’ve not been hit with constant or frequent problems myself since the last patch, that doesn’t matter for those who are running into the problems more often.  DICE LA and the CTE program are still working, and plans exist to keep developing the game, and to add new content through all of 2015.

For me and many, the broken state of Battlefield 4 won’t stop us from playing the game.  But Hardline does give us a new, fresh, and fun choice as an alternative when we don’t want to deal with the issues, or just want a change.

Some may not look back, but I’m willing to bet that many who say they will never play BF4 again once they have Hardline will get “homesick” after a while and come back again.  Especially if DICE LA can truly make solid patches which don’t have new problems.

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